All About Ange

Oh hello there!
Firstly, thank you for taking the time to check out my blog. I truly want to use it as a tool to reach out to people to make healthy eating easy and non-intimidating!
I started this blog a while ago, and tend to go through phases of non-stop posting followed by dormancy. I'm hoping to revive it, though, and keep it as updated as possible! SO bear with me.

Anyways, since about May 2011, making my lifestyle a healthy one has been my number one priority. I started exercising daily and changing my eating habits. It was difficult at first, since I really did not know a lot about healthy eating. But, as time has gone by, it seems almost second nature to me. I love when people ask me for tips on how to eat healthier, or recipes to some of the things I make. For me, this acts as an indicator marking success. I use this feedback to motivate me to continue creating healthy concoctions, and encourage others to eat healthily!

Things you'll learn about me from this blog:
- I LOVE peanut butter!! (or any nut butter, really). I swear, I could eat TUBS of the stuff.
- I LOVE veggies! They are never boring! And in fact, you can find a bunch of new and interesting ways to sneak them into your diet.
- QUINOA is my preferred source of whole grains! Nearly all the recipes I post that include quinoa can be substituted for brown rice.
- I have possibly the BIGGEST SWEET TOOTH in the world. Dessert, dessert, DESSERT! All day err'day.
- I go through phases of cuisines, dishes, and/or spices (examples include my curry-craze, my meatless burger mission, and my Thai affair).

Besides learning all these fun facts about me (…kidding), I hope this blog will spark your interest in taking up a healthy lifestyle. Often, when people think “healthy eating”, it translates to “boring veggies and flavourless foods”. I’m hoping to change this mindset, and really get people excited about messing around in their kitchen!

A lot of the recipes I post can easily be played around with – add or remove certain ingredients, or swap them for others. Spices are another thing that can be toyed with. Change them up to suit your palate!

From time-to-time, I discover life-changing (or so I think) foods/brands that I just feel the need to share. So I will occasionally post mini “reviews” on the things I think the whole world should know about.

I will update this “About Me” as time goes on. But for now, take the time to explore my blog. I hope you’ll find something that at least somewhat intrigues you.

And please feel free to message me with any questions, suggestions, feedback, or requests for future recipes!

Keep Calm and Eat On.

Angela J

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