Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Cupcake Delight

Who doesn't love cupcakes?
I wanted to made some for a friend's birthday the other day, but I didn't have many of the ingredients I needed and the rain wasn't pleasant to go run errands in. So... I modified the recipe in order to make it work. Take a look at these sweet-looking cupcakes and tell me how irresistible they look...

These are wonderfully delicious strawberry-raspberry-cocoa cupcakes! I didn't have any whipped topping mix, so I invented a cream cheese frosting. Read on for the recipe!

CUPCAKES (makes 10):
1 cup flour
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 cup cocoa
4 tbsp Becel (or about 1/3 cup of applesauce if you wanna be healthier)
3/4 cup sugar
2 eggs
1/8 cup milk
strawberries (optional)
raspberries (optional)

1. Preheat the oven to 350
2. Mix the flour, baking soda, cocoa, and salt.
3. Beat butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
4. Add one egg into the butter/sugar mixture - beat it in completely. Then add the other egg, and beat it completely. Add the milk, and mix (low speed).
5. Add the flour mixture, beat thoroughly.
6. If you'd like, dice up strawberries and/or raspberries. Mix them into the mixture.
7. Place cupcake wrappers into a muffin tray, and fill the wrappers halfway with the batter.
8. Bake 20 mins
9. Frost them, and garnish them with strawberries/raspberries if you'd like

1/4 cup becel
3 oz strawberry cream cheese (opt for light)
1/4 cup sugar
*3 tbsp strawberry jam (optional)

1. Mix all ingredients well.
* Because cream cheese has that "cheesy" flavour, adding the jam will add sweetness and take away that strong taste. You may decide to add more or less jam depending on your taste buds.

Try them out! So easy to make, and they turn out moist and yummy!

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